I come with depth.
I see it this way, if you want to live life successfully, you must have a mind frame that is based on positively
managing yourself and your life, being ready for certain difficult situations, be it either big or small, that you will come into contact with, It's all about how we handle ourselves at the end of the day. We have to watch carefully and extract, transform, and analyse.
Cluttering your mind with unconscious stress and fear will only
eat you alive from the inside out! Literally (Go research on how
many stress related health issues there are)
You have connections and an untapped consciousness within yourself to enable you to be more overall aware in the world in which you live. By listening to your instincts you allow yourself to move forward and in by doing so, you get a clearer picture of what's right for you, to what is your assigned destiny. Though not everything happens because we made it happen, some things are set out for us because certain situations are out of our hands. Situations for us to learn from, for us to gain from and for us to contribute and build upon that is of society, mankind and one’s self.
You can't be blind to what life is really about, finding balance
within. What's better than balance and equal living. Everything we do is either a matter of love or fear, positive and negative. You peal back the layers of many situations and look deep enough,
and when I say deep I mean DEEP, to the very core, you will find
the two and nothing else. Sometimes the answers are clear enough to take action upon so depth of thought isn't always an necessity.
I would like to just make people aware of how much peace and love are spiritual foundations to pure happiness.