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London, United Kingdom
- Love is my connection - Travel is my passion - Creativity is my expression - Music is my release. It's all Universal energy!

Friday, 27 August 2010

Colour is such a pretty thing.

Why do we have colour?

What is colour. It is an area of pigmentation that absorbs a certain wavelength of transmitted light that then get’s reflected back to our retina.

Most importantly colour is here on earth in this physical world for a few purpose’s; one, to distinguish, to express, to shape and to allow our world to be alive. Imagine everything in black and white, life would seem dull and flat with nothing to draw on for an atmospheric encounter.

As a creative, colour is everything. It’s a way of physiological communication, though not as it should be because through time people have conditioned our minds into referencing a particular colour with a certain emotion. The only real way to personally connect with colour is too visualize ourselves in a room made up of most things that certain colour and to see how it makes you feel. From the inside we can begin to create our own associations with these colours and work with them in shaping what we consider to be expression.

I find that at mid frequency, orange to green, they are the lighthearted looking colours. Then at each end with red, indigo and violet, I find they are the powerful colours that really dominate the spectrum. Wonder why that is.