So you wanna' know about me?

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London, United Kingdom
- Love is my connection - Travel is my passion - Creativity is my expression - Music is my release. It's all Universal energy!

Friday, 27 August 2010

Colour is such a pretty thing.

Why do we have colour?

What is colour. It is an area of pigmentation that absorbs a certain wavelength of transmitted light that then get’s reflected back to our retina.

Most importantly colour is here on earth in this physical world for a few purpose’s; one, to distinguish, to express, to shape and to allow our world to be alive. Imagine everything in black and white, life would seem dull and flat with nothing to draw on for an atmospheric encounter.

As a creative, colour is everything. It’s a way of physiological communication, though not as it should be because through time people have conditioned our minds into referencing a particular colour with a certain emotion. The only real way to personally connect with colour is too visualize ourselves in a room made up of most things that certain colour and to see how it makes you feel. From the inside we can begin to create our own associations with these colours and work with them in shaping what we consider to be expression.

I find that at mid frequency, orange to green, they are the lighthearted looking colours. Then at each end with red, indigo and violet, I find they are the powerful colours that really dominate the spectrum. Wonder why that is.

Sunday, 22 August 2010


We are created,
we are born,
we live to grow and learn through many incarnations,
the tests strengthen us so we evolve.
We ascend back to a realm of spirit,
we await there while this storm of negativity passes on earth,
then we reincarnate back onto earth to live life how it was finally intended.

This horrid world we live in at the moment exists the way it does because it's a trial test to find out who will be here in the end. Funny thing is, no amount of disbelief or independent prevention will change this.

They do say time is a healer.

This is the way I think. It’s simple and logic with a tad bit of belief.


Recently I have been feeling uncomfortable at times while communicating with others. Feeling different in general is something that sunk in years ago, though ready for my big move to London for university, I suddenly find my soul out of harmony to the point where I knew something wasn't right and demanded answers. 

I'm not happy here. I'm ready to move. 4 weeks left. Officially the longest wait of my entire life.
Though I will leave with the up most knowledge of how important inner harmony truly is.

Tuesday, 17 August 2010

Being alone

When your alone you become your own best friend if there is only one of you for company, In effect you’re on a path of self discovery before you even realise. Only children probably know themselves better than others due to the early start. I believe It's true what they say, just because your alone doesn't mean that your lonely.

Being alone is essential though social interaction is a vital part of growth and communication. After all how you know your real self to be won't be the same from other people’s perspectives. I have found that I'm not fully myself around anybody but my mother due to the unconditional love I know is there. People, heightened in this day and age, judge one another too much which creates uncomfortable environments. I guess time is a developer for a comfortable atmosphere between individuals.  

It's all good. : )

Saturday, 14 August 2010


Sorry but I’m a young woman and I have a high standard of needs that need to be met. I’ve sampled the whole 'let’s have sex because I need to unload and your attractive' and to be honest, it's just not fulfilling enough I’m afraid, so now I just don’t have sex. Sex is huge, or should I say sexual intercourse, because whether you sex it up or love it up, it's the combining forces of the physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual world you both possess.
 It needs to be an encounter with that person as a whole, and not just with their flesh coated vessel for transportation. I'm not saying I can only have intercourse with a man if he is willing to make love to me, the hot, dirty, sticky stuff is quite the turn on and hits the spot with the upmost intelligence. Though I can say that I must at least feel a certain connection with the individual that allows me to participate in an experience worthy of my full conscious interaction. If you get what I mean (referring back to the four states of a being)

 It's a Saturday night and I'm sitting here typing this up while elegantly *wink* sipping from a bottle of wine (quite surprising because I don't like wine, though this bottle is acceptable, ha.

I feel rather turned on by my inner thoughts, not going to lie, now that they are visually in front of my very eyes. I like what I see, and really don't give a f*** if you don't, because here it is nevertheless.

 I am Tanya Richards. I am drunk. Good night.

Friday, 13 August 2010

..The day I thought my toe would drop off.

So this is my HUGE blister that I just had to post because, well, look at it! It's HUGEE hahaha. Forget heels! yet you feel so sexy wearing them and they give you these. I'm just not feelin' it personally. Blah.


Oh how I do wonder about myself sometimes haha. Though I do love the crazy shit that I do.
    Good f***ing stuff!


I come with depth.
I see it this way, if you want to live life successfully, you must have a mind frame that is based on positively 
managing yourself and your life, being ready for certain difficult situations, be it either big or small, that you will come into contact with, It's all about how we handle ourselves at the end of the day. We have to watch carefully and extract, transform, and analyse.

Cluttering your mind with unconscious stress and fear will only 
eat you alive from the inside out! Literally (Go research on how 
many stress related health issues there are)
You have connections and an untapped consciousness within yourself to enable you to be more overall aware in the world in which you live. By listening to your instincts you allow yourself to move forward and in by doing so, you get a clearer picture of what's right for you, to what is your assigned destiny. Though not everything happens because we made it happen, some things are set out for us because certain situations are out of our hands. Situations for us to learn from, for us to gain from and for us to contribute and build upon that is of society, mankind and one’s self.

You can't be blind to what life is really about, finding balance 
within. What's better than balance and equal living. Everything we do is either a matter of love or fear, positive and negative. You  peal back the layers of many situations and look deep enough, 
and when I say deep I mean DEEP, to the very core, you will find 
the two and nothing else. Sometimes the answers are clear enough to take action upon so depth of thought isn't always an necessity.

I would like to just make people aware of how much peace and love are spiritual foundations to pure happiness.